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Dr. Heye Bogena

Research Interests

  • Hydrological processes

  • Environmental monitoring

  • Wireless sensor networks

  • Geographical information systems


I am a Soil Hydrologist and Senior Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research and Coordinator of the TERENO observatory "Harz/Central German Lowland".


He works also on the development of measurement operators and better understanding of measurement data (e.g., cosmic ray probe data, eddy covariance data).

Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers
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Coordinator of TERENO

His research interests include Hydrology, Hydrogeophysics, and Soil Science. Harry Vereecken is also involved in the experimental and theoretical analysis of reactive solute transport in soils and aquifers, including the development of geophysical measurement techniques for noninvasive detection of solute transport using electrical and magnetic methods.

Director of Strategic Development

His research interests include determining the biotic and abiotic controls on ecosystem-level carbon and energy balance across spatial and temporal scales.

SAVI-CoopEUS Staff Scientist

Melissa is the current CoopEUS (Collaboration between the EU and US) Staff Scientist at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) in the US. She works on the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Science Across Virtual Infrastructures (SAVI) initiative to bridge the gap between the US and EU Environmental Research Infrastructures (ERIs), promote information and infrastructure interoperability across research domains and manage associated contracted projects.

Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers

I am a postdoc scientist exploring the nature of cosmic-ray neutrons and their potential to do good for the environment and society. The research field of "Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing" (CRNS) exploits the response of omnipresent background radiation to water.

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Scientist at LSCE: greenhouse gases, atmospheric composition, carbon cycle (ICOS-RAMCES team lead)

ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System) - S&T; ENVRI+ cluster project Theme leader (technology for research infastructures)

Coordinator, LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) YAK-AEROSIB (Airborne Extensive Regional Observations over Siberia)

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Forschungszentrum Jülich IBG-3
52428 Jülich

Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers
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Cove Sturtevant is a data scientist and biometeorologist at the National Ecological Observatory Network, where he has lead the development of an operational framework for monitoring and managing the quality of NEON’s terrestrial and aquatic instrument data.

How forest systems are responding to climate change, particularly drought, and the consequences for C source-sink patterns and allocation toward plant defense.

Research Interests: Interactions between ecosystems and climate.

Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers

Research Interests

  • The influence of biotic and abiotic processes on biosphere–atmosphere exchange of trace gases

  • Stable isotopes in ecosystem research

  • Application of laser-based isotope analyzers

  • Plant–soil interactions

  • Influence of Global Change on ecosystems

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Forschungszentrum Jülich IBG-3
52428 Jülich

Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers
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Sparkle’s primary research focus is to improve our understanding of how climate and disturbance regimes influence spatial and temporal variability in ecosystem structure and function.

His research interests include scientific knowledge infrastructures in
Earth and environmental sciences and advancing technical systems in
their support in creating and maintaining knowledge.

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Phil DeCola is Chief Science Officer of and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Maryland. His career has focused on the use of Earth observations and models for research and environmental resource management Phil currently chairs the World Meteorological Organization Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) with the mission of delivering science-based greenhouse gas emission estimates in support of national and sub-national responses to climate change.



Speakers & Sponsors: Speakers
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Speakers & Sponsors: Team Members

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