TERENO NEON Carbon Workshop 2019: Overview
The motivation is to use in-situ data to address emerging issues in carbon cycle science including critical zone science, atmospheric science, biogeochemistry and ecosystem science. To do so, we also foster robust data practices for the seasoned researcher and early career scientists, alike. This is particularly important given the emergence of new, large-scale infrastructures producing unprecedented amounts of carbon cycle data.
This 2019 Carbon summer workshop will provide an opportunity to learn how to use ‘big data' from the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO), National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) large networks of observatories while discussing an understanding of atmospheric, ecosystem, and below ground carbon processes, and the associated means to estimate CO2 and its role in the climate system. This Carbon summer workshop will also help develop the skills to access and use data in practice from a diversity of sources, including different networks. We will have a strong practical component that focuses on the data use. Both the scientific understanding and the data use will be brought together in group exercises.